The Blog

Sep 11/18

Hullabaloo 2018
Hullabaloo is back Saturday, October 6th, and Sunday, October 7th
Pumpkins and sweaters, crunching leaves and a cool breeze, Hullabaloo is back for another kick-off to all your favorite fall festivities! Join us October 6th and 7th for special beer releases, live music, delicious grub, and good autumn vibes. Pull out your beanies and flannels from the back of the closet and get ready for a Hullabaloo-ing good time!
Dec 19/17

Berry Good News: Strawberry Fields Sour Ale Coming to Cans in 2018
For months the brewery has been jam-packed with excitement and we just can’t leave this juicy news alone anymore, so we won’t! We’re pumped to announce that Indeed fan favorite Strawberry Fields will join our adventurous lineup of canned beer in late January 2018.
Jun 1/17

Peach Bum IPA is ripe for release next week!
Made for the hazy days of summer, Peach Bum IPA is almost ripe for the picking. With juicy notes of peach cobbler, tart citrus and tropical-tasting hops, Peach Bum joins our adventurous line-up of IPA offerings on draft and in 12 oz. cans with designs by local artist Chuck U. Sun drenched and juicy, it's sure to become your new summer jam.
Feb 15/17

Indeed Brewing’s B-Side Pils Release Goes on Tour Next Week
Mic check – one, two. Is this thing on? We’re introducing B-Side Pils, a fresh spin on an old favorite and our cover of a classic. Born from Lead Brewer Dan Stavig’s love of German beer, B-Side is crafted as a traditional Pilsner you can enjoy without leaving the country – and probably without leaving the bar. Crisp and clean, crushable and complex, B-Side was made to take you off the clock and on to what makes you tick. It’s quickly become our staff’s go to brew, and we think you’ll agree that our Pilsner is a perfect companion for whatever you do that makes you, you.
Nov 1/16

Catch up with an Old Friend in a New Can
Raise a glass to a good year past and reconnect with an Old Friend, our limited-release winter warmer brewed with fresh ginger root, orange peel and blueberry honey. This year we are excited to release Old Friend in shiny new 16oz cans, featuring original artwork by Minnesota’s own Chuck U. Sharing an old friend with a good pal has never been easier.